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Suatainable Livelihood

Home >Thematic Areas> Sustainable Livelihood

Developing environmentally sustainable income generation opportunities for communities Experiences have shown that active engagement of communities in conservation is influenced by tangible socio-economic benefits they get from conservation. For the purpose of alleviating poverty and fostering conservation in communities, ECODAs supports the development and consolidation of agro-based income-generating activities, based on the sustainable use of natural resources.

ECODAs empowers communites in livelihood development initiatives (e.g. organic vegetable farming, agroforestry, beekeeping, piggery, poultry and NTFPs enterprise development). These projects are aimed at motivating local communities and enhancing their sense of stewardship towards biodiversity conservation.

ECoDAs focus on environmental education, restoration of fragile ecosystems, conservation of at-risk flora and fauna species, and strengthening communities’ livelihoods through income and economic development opportunities.


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