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Species and Habitat Conservation

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Working with local communities to protect and conserve biodiversity and ecosystems services At high risk ends are those high-profile species such as elephants, pangolins, giant frogs, gorillas, chimpanzees, and drills, requiring uncompromised conservation efforts. At ECODAs, we believe careful management of resources, correct approaches and an ever-growing of people committed to protecting the environment can create systems in which man and wildlife can co-exist in harmony.


ECODAs’ conservation efforts have been focused on conserving key threatened species and their habitats through research, in-situ conservation measures, alternative livelihood support, and adoption of appropriate ecosystem-based approcaches to species and habitat conservation.

ECoDAs focus on environmental education, restoration of fragile ecosystems, conservation of at-risk flora and fauna species, and strengthening communities’ livelihoods through income and economic development opportunities.


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