

A future where wildlife and people thrive |

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About Us

Who We are

Recognizing Cameroon’s rising biodiversity loss and climate crisis, the Environment and Community Development Association (ECODAs) was created on the 22nd of May 2015, which is also World Biodiversity Day, and registered officially as a non-profit and non-governmental organization by Cameroon’s Ministry of Territorial Administration on the 13th of August 2018 (Registration No: 247/E.27/750/SAAJP). Our goal is to see a sustainable world where wildlife and people thrive together in healthy ecosystems.

Why We Exist

Our planet’s biodiversity is at risk. Many wildlife species are at the risk of extinction due to human activities such as poaching and habitat destruction. Many hectares of tropical rainforests have been lost. Human-induced climate change is exacerbating this loss through accelerated global warming, and increased in extreme weather events and natural disasters. We are focused on reversing and slowing species loss, protecting and restoring ecosystems and habitats, as well as engaging and sustaining the well-being of local communities.

Our Coverage

A great deal of ECODAs’ work is done in the Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo Landscape in the Southwest region of Cameroon. The Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo landscape is comprised of the Banyang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary (66,220 ha), the Bakossi National Park (29,320 ha), the Mount Muanenguba Herpeto-ornithological Sanctuary (4,696 ha) and the Mount Kupe Integral Ecological Reserve (4,676 ha).






Organisational Setup

ECODAs is a membership-based organization, funded by domestic and international grant support and donations. ECODAs is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the general membership at the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors makes policy decisions on behalf of the organization and its members. The Executive Director and senior staffs are responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization.

ECoDAs focus on environmental education, restoration of fragile ecosystems, conservation of at-risk flora and fauna species, and strengthening communities’ livelihoods through income and economic development opportunities.


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