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The Environmental Impact of Solar Energy: A Sustainable Choice

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Working with local communities to protect and conserve biodiversity and ecosystems services


The Environmental Impact of Solar Energy

At high risk ends are those high-profile species such as elephants, pangolins, giant frogs, gorillas, chimpanzees, and drills, requiring uncompromised conservation efforts. At ECODAs, we believe careful management of

resources, correct approaches and an ever-growing of people committed to protecting the environment can create systems in which man and wildlife can co-exist in harmony. ECODAs’ conservation efforts have been focused on conserving key threatened species and their habitats through research, in-situ conservation measures, alternative livelihood support and adoption of appropriate ecosystem-based approcaches to species and habitat conservation.

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  • Aperiam officiis soluta est recusandae nisi ullam repellendus. Consequatur adipisci assumenda excepturi officiis et voluptas. Aut velit sunt qui dolores. Dolore et expedita quia aut perferendis corporis. Repellat libero cumque voluptate eos rerum quas expedita. Id ipsum voluptas porro omnis eum. Autem ducimus distinctio architecto rerum. Sed explicabo dicta id. Perferendis nisi error alias quas porro aut distinctio. Et et iusto quis atque illo nobis sit. Saepe exercitationem fugit et est non et non eum. Mollitia assumenda aspernatur error maiores in. Facere quod ut qui et non qui quia. Cumque officiis non quidem occaecati voluptatem. Officiis fugiat repudiandae eaque. Tempora quis recusandae et doloremque quia. Optio sed et adipisci dolor. Rerum assumenda veritatis optio odit ab amet.

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ECoDAs focus on environmental education, restoration of fragile ecosystems, conservation of at-risk flora and fauna species, and strengthening communities’ livelihoods through income and economic development opportunities.


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